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Using Scan Tools

When in the 3DiscClinic™ Scan Workflow the following tools are available:

  • 1. The Scan Tools Menu: located on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • 2. Live Scan Tools: displayed below the digital 3D model.
  • 3. 2D Live Screenshots of inside the patient mouth: displayed in the bottom left-hand of the screen (press C).

Workflow Menu

3DiscClinic™ Scan Tools

The Scan Tools Menu

Workflow Menu

Icon Scan Tool Description
Scan Tools Start Scan START/STOP/PAUSE the scan.
Scan Tools Reset Scan Reset will delete the current scan step and associated files.
Scan Tools Adjust Zoom level Change the ZOOM level of the digital 3D model.
Scan Tools Reset VIEWPORT Re-center the digital 3D model on the screen.
Workflow Menu Enable Fly-AI When activated essential soft tissue is preserved while unnecessary soft tissue and foreign objects are not integrated into the 3D model.
Workflow Menu Disable/Enable Captured Color Toggle between color/grayscale display
Workflow Menu Quality Map The Quality Map feature enables the user to assess in real-time if enough data was collected in the area of interest.
Workflow Menu Live View Screenshot Take a Live View screenshot during the scan simply by pressing the C key or clicking on the Screenshot icon.
Workflow Menu Auto-Realignment Optimize the alignment of scans, in preparation for Bite Alignment or for Finalization.

NOTE: You may also configure the Enable Scan Optimization While Scanning feature in 3D Settings
Workflow Menu Finalize Case Finalize or refinalize scan data for the case.

Using the Quality Map©

Workflow Menu The Quality Map tool enables you to assess in real-time if enough data has been collected in the area of interest of the scan.

To access the Quality Map:

  • 1. Click on the Quality Map icon.

The digital 3D model will indicate in red those areas where insufficient data has been obtained.

  • 2. Using the Quality Map as a guide, rescan the area(s) of interest.

  • 3. To close the Quality Map , click again on the Quality Map icon.

For a brief video demonstration go to: 3DISC Knowledge Center: Using the Quality Map

Disable/Enable Captured Color

Workflow Menu

To make contours more visible, you may wish to disable the natural color of the digital 3D model.

To Disable Captured Color:

Workflow Menu

  • 1. Click on the Disable Captured Color icon in the left-hand Scan Tools menu.
  • 2. To return to the natural colors of the scan, click again on the Disable/Enable Captured Color icon.

Taking Live View Screenshots

Workflow Menu

During the scan process, you can take and store 2D images of the interior of the patient mouth.

  • 1. During the scan, press the C key on your keyboard.

    2D Live View Screenshots are displayed in thumbnail format in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

    3DiscClinic™ - Taking Live View Screenshots

  • 2. Click on a thumbnail image to inspect the 2D images in fullscreen format.

  • 3. Click on the Delete icon to delete as necessary.
  • 4. Click on the Close icon in the top right-hand corner to close the fullscreen view.

Live View Screenshots taken during the scan can be viewed in the Case Review page.

For a brief video demonstration go to: 3DISC Knowledge Center: Taking Live View Screenshots

Using Auto-Realignment

The Auto-Realignment tool carries out realignment of the scans, optimizing the scan data based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). To simplify, the scan data is cleaned by discarding frames that are calculated to be misaligned with respect to the totality of the available data.

  • 1. In the right-hand Scan Tools menu, click on the Auto-Realignment icon.

You will be prompted to confirm the optimization.

  • 2. Click OK to start Auto-Realignment of the scans.

For information about 3DiscClinic™ Live Scan Tools, click: Live Scan Tools

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