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Options de Préparation de Cas

Case Setup options are available in the 3DiscClinic™ Case Setup page.

Order Form Options

The following Order Form options are available:

  • Patient Name

Patient Name Anonymization

The Patient Name can be anonymized in 3DiscClinic™, and/or anonymized when sent to the Lab

Go to Case Setup in Settings for more information.

  • Lab

Configuring Connections to Labs

The Lab to which to send your Order

Lab connections are configured in 3DiscCloud

A preffered lab connection can be configured in 3DiscClinic™ Upload Settings

For more information, visit: Connecting your User Account to 3DiscCloud™

  • Date

Request Delivery Date from Lab

The Date you want to receive your Order from the Lab

  • Printed Model

Request Printed Model from Lab

Check this option to request a Printed Model from the Lab

  • Antagonist Scan

Include Antagonist Scan

Check this option to include the Antagonist Scan in the Scan Workflow

Scan Options

  • Model Scan version 3.8

Select Model Scan

Select Model Scan when scanning a 3D model and not a patient. When this scan option is selected, the algorithm is optimised specifically for the scanning of 3D models.

  • High Resolution (HR) Processing

Select HR Processing

Select High-Resolution processing of scan data for:

  • Maxillary
  • Mandibular
  • Maxillary & Mandibular

  • Pre-Op Scan

Include Pre-Operative Scan

Check this option to include a Pre-Op Scan in the Scan Workflow

  • Adding a Pre-Op Scan to a Pre-existing Scan

Adding a Pre-Op Scan to a Pre-existing Scan

  • If you have previously scanned a patient and you want to open and modify the Case Setup, it is possible to add Pre-op steps.
  • If a Pre-op step is added the user will have the option to copy the former scan to the Pre-op step so that they can build upon this.

    To do so:

    • Return to Case Setup and add a Pre-Op scan
    • A pop-up dialog box will ask you if you want to clone the existing scan data for the arch.
    • To copy the former scan to the Pre-op step, click Clone Adding a patient profile

Restoration Options

The following different types of restoration options are available:

Restoration option Description
Manufacturer Available Manufacturers
System Available Systems/Models from each Manufacturer
Connection Type Available implant Connection types and sizes for the different Manufacturer Systems & Models
Available printed model materials
  • Zirconia
  • Titanium
  • Chrome Cobalt
  • Precious
  • Feldspar
  • Wax
  • Lithium Disilicate
  • Glass Ceramic
  • Hybrid Ceramic
  • Lithium Silicate
  • Zirconia Multilayer
  • CoCr
  • Acrylic/PMMA
Shade Available shade systems and shades

Editing Restorations Options

The Restorations and Implants libraries - proposing available Restoration & Implant options - can be edited in Case Setup Settings.

To Edit Resorations in 3DiscClinic™ Settings, click:Editing Restorations

To Edit Implant Options in 3DiscClinic™Settings, click: Editing the Implants Library

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