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Using 3DiscCloud™ for Labs

The 3DiscCloud™ Dashboard

The 3DiscCloud™ Dashboard

The 3DiscCloud™ Dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of activity and options associated with your account.

The Dashboard enables users to:

Selecting a period of activity

Displaying Cases in 3DiscCloud™

Cases sent to 3DiscCloud™ by a Dental Clinic are displayed in the Cases page:

  • To select cases by Status, click on one or more status in the Status bar.
  • Click again to deselect a status.

Filtering Cases

You can filter Cases by:

  • Status
  • Date Order Sent (Date Range)
  • Institution/Person


  • Step 1. Click the Filter icon, and in the Filters dialog box select the desired filter details.

    Hold the SHIFT key to select more than one Status.

  • Step 2. Click Apply to apply the filter, or Cancel to cancel any modifications made to the filter.

An active filter is indicated in orange:

To remove an active filter:

  • Step 3. Click on the active filter icon.
  • Step 4. In the Filters dialog box, click Reset All and Apply.

The deactivated filter icon is displayed in gray.

Case Display Options

The following Case Display Options are available:

Case Status Permissions

The following case status are available in 3DiscCloud™ :

Status Description Managed by
Open Case uploaded by Clinic to 3DiscCloud Clinic
In Progress Case being processed by Lab (case status modified by lab) Lab
Completed Case treated and completed by Lab (case status modified by lab) Lab
Reopened Case closed and reopened. (case status modified by Clinic) Clinic
Closed Case closed. (case status modified by Clinic) Clinic

3DiscCloud™ Case Details

Uploaded Cases are displayed in 3DiscCloud™ Cases page:

  • In the Cases tab, click on a case to diplay details:

No. Case Information Description
1 Download All Files Download all files associated with case.
2 Case Status Change Case Status Permissions above.
3 Case Details Clinic, Lab and Case details: User Name (sender), Patient (if not anonymized), Clinic/Lab name, Assignee (to who case is sent), Order ID, Date order sent, Date case created, Requested delivery date, Expiration date for order (3 months after sent).
4 Show 3D Click to display 3D Model
5 Comments Comments added by User or Assignee (Comments can be added in 3DiscCloud™ or 3DiscClinic™ )
6 Attachments List of file attachments associated with case.
7 Delete/Download File Click to download a specific file.
8 Download All Files Click to download all files associated with case.
9 Printable Order Form Click to display or download the order form associated with the case.

Example Order Form

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