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3DISC Scanpath Strategy

Scanning Made Easy

With AI-Inside

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For optimal scanning results, 3DISC recommends the following Scanpath Strategy:


  • Place the scanner flat on the back molars
  • Gently trace a line from molar to molar in a slow continuous movement
  • Take your time to scan the full occlusal surface for all molars & premolars


  • Scan from molar to center line at 45°angle on both sides
  • Rescan at 90°, gently changing angle of tip to cover maximum gingival surface


  • Scan from molar to molar at 45°angle, gently changing angle to cover maximum tooth & gingival surface

  • Do not hesitate to reset the scan if necessary

Bite Alignment

  • 1. Scan tooth and 1cm of mandibular gingiva in molar/pre-molar region.

    Angle scanner tip to take in as much gingiva as possible.

  • 2. Pause 3-4 seconds on mandibular gingiva, then scan up from mandibular to maxillary gingiva.

  • 3. Pause 3-4 seconds on maxillary gingiva
  • 4. Scan from maxillary gingiva to mandibular gingiva
  • Repeat for adjacent tooth as necessary…

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