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Launching 3DiscClinic™

To launch the 3DiscClinic™ software installed on your computer.

  • 1. Click on the 3DiscClinic™ desktop icon to launch the 3DiscClinic™ software.

    3DiscClinic™ will automatically display the 3DISC scanner connected to your computer.

  • 3DiscClinic - Heron™ IOS
  • 3DiscClinic - OVO™ IOS
  • Registering your Device

    On first launch, a pop-up screen will invite you to register and activate the 3DiscClinicTM software on your computer.

    ![](DIR\media\HeronClinic\ActivatedOnYourPC_EN.jpg "Registering your device"){ }

    In the Device Registration dialog box:

    • 2. Enter your registration details (required information is indicated by *)
    • 3. Tick the consent checkbox, to consent to the collection and processing of data by 3DISC.

    2-Factor Authentication

    In order to protect your data, 3DISC has introduced 2 Factor Authentication to your Device Registration.

    • 4. Click Confirm Email
    • You will receive an account activation email
    • 5. In the email, click on Confirm my email.

    Successful registration is notified by a pop-up message.

    • 6. Click SUBMIT.

    ![](DIR\media\HeronClinic\ActivatedOnYourPC.jpg){ }

    IMPORTANT: It will not be possible to perform new scans or export existing scans if the device has not been registered on the PC.

    Once you have successfully registered your 3DISC™ IOS device, you are ready to set up a 3DiscClinic™ User Account.

    © 3DISC 2025