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Setting Up A 3DiscClinic™ User Account

3DiscClinic™ Start Page: Heron™ IOS

3DiscClinic™ Start Page: OVO™ IOS

Accessing 3DiscClinic™ Admin User Account

Once you have registered your device, the 3DiscClinic™ Start Screen will display the default Admin User Account: Clinic Manager (CM)) in the left-hand menu.

To access the Admin User Account:

  • 1. Click on the 3DiscClinic™ Admin User Account (CM) icon in the left-hand menu.

    The 3DiscClinic™ Sign In page invites you to sign in or create a new account.

  • 2. Enter your password and click Sign In.

    3DiscClinic™ will display the User Home Page of the IOS Solution connected :

Customizing the 3DiscClinic™ Admin User Account

  • 3. Click the System icon located in the top right-hand corner of the User Home Page, to access the Settings interface.


  • 4. Select Users in the left-hand Settings menu, and click on Add and Edit Users.

  • 5. Select the default “ClinicManager” User profile, and click on the Edit icon to customize the Admin User account.

  • 6. In the User Image field (optional), you can click to open the Picture dialog box, to add or take a User Photo.

To password protect your User Account:

  • 7. Select Yes in the Use Password field.
  • 8. Enter and confirm the password to apply to this user account.
  • 9. To apply changes, restart the 3DiscClinic™ application.

IMPORTANT: To protect the privacy of patient data processed by you, 3DISC strongly recommends password protecting all 3DiscClinic™ user accounts.

Connecting your user account to 3DiscCloud™

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires data managed in the European Union to be managed on servers within the EU.

➧ When connecting to 3DiscCloud™ for the first time you will have to validate your region.

Connecting to 3DiscCloud™

When you login, a popup will invite you to select the country where you are located.

Validating your Region

When you select a country, your data will be assigned to the selected region.

  • To apply changes, restart the 3DiscClinic™ application.

For information on Setting Up a 3DiscCloud™ account, visit:


Communicating With Labs

Adding a New User Account

You can use the 3DiscClinic™ Admin User profile (CM) to add new User accounts.

To add a new User account:

  • 1. Click the 3DiscClinic™ Admin User Account icon (CM):

    this will open the User Home Page.

  • 2. Click the System icon located in the top right-hand corner of the User Home Page, to access the Settings interface.

  • 3. Select Users in the left-hand Settings menu, and click on Add and Edit Users to expand the list of users.

  • 4. In Add and Edit Users, click ADD NEW USER:

    This opens the New User dialog box.

  • 5. Enter User profile data: email address, first name, last name, registration no. (optional) and photo (optional).

  • 6. To apply changes, Click OK then close and restart the 3DiscClinic™ application.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You have successfully created your 3DiscClinic™ User Account.

3DiscClinic™ Login page for the 3DISC OVO™ IOS

You are now ready to use 3DiscClinic™ to:

3DISC Learning Academy: Adding a New User Account

This 3DISC how-to video describes How to add a User Account in 3DiscClinic™:

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