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Release Notes 3.8

The following features and improvements have been added to 3DiscClinic™ version 3.8

Reference for this version : 3.8-0503

Special Notice

3DiscClinic™ version 3.8 introduces major changes to the 3DISC software suite.

Updated license agreement: Terms and conditions

  • 3DISC License Agreement: Terms and Conditions have been updated.

    Conditions can be consulted and a copy of the new Terms and Conditions saved when installing the product.

New Features and Improvements

Workflow improvements

Improved Case Cloning

  Changes were made to preserve the cache for a longer period: the cache is important for HR finalization, in-scan optimization, and the new color definition.

  - [ ] If the cache exists when a case is cloned the cache will also be cloned.

Adding a Pre-Op Scan to a Pre-existing Scan

  - [ ] If you have previously scanned a patient and you want to open and modify the *Case Setup*, it is now possible to add *Pre-op* steps.    
  - [ ] If a *Pre-op* step is added the user will have the option to copy the *former scan* to the *Pre-op* step so that they can build upon this.
        This can be important when you want to have the preexisting scan and the new scan linked.
  ![](\scan\clone-to-preop.png){ style="height:94%;width:94%; float: center; align:center; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px;border:none;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8; cursor:pointer" alt="Adding a patient profile"  }

End-to-end processing

  Significant efforts have been made to improve end-to-end processing in the scanning process.

  - [ ] When the user pauses, the user can interact directly with a sub resolution model to examine the model while the surface is being created.
  - [ ] The transition time between the different steps has been improved to make the transition time faster, this is particularly noticeable when going to the bite step.
  - [ ] The finalization time has been reduced by about 30% and can be further reduced in the *3D Settings* menu by deactivating the *Enhanced Color* feature.

Scanning improvements

Stone Model representation

  ![](\scan\stone-heron.png){style="height:70%;width:70%;display:inline-block;position: relative; float: center; align:center;opacity:3; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 30px;border:none;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8; cursor:pointer"   class="image"}

  - [ ] The option in the scanning environment has been updated to enable the display of the *STL* surface when the scanning is paused.

    This replaces the black & white view that previously existed.

Quality Map access

  This feature is now accessible directly from the scanning interface and can be activated while scanning. This saves time and means the user does not need to pause the scanning to check the quality of the scan.

Regional Based High Resolution

  <figure markdown>
  ![](\scan\hr-lock.png){ style="height:50%;width:50%;display: block;z-index: 10000; float: center; align:center; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 30px;border:none;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8; cursor:pointer"  }
  It is now possible to define areas that will have high resolution when scanning.
  ![](\scan\icons\ico-scan-ico-high-resolution-enabled.svg){ style="height:12%;width:12%; float:right; align:left; padding: 0 0 10 10;max-width: 100%; margin: -40px 40px -10px 10px;border:none;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8; cursor:pointer"   height="100%" width="100%"}

  This can be applied to scans which by default can be finalized in *High Resolution* (HR) or *Standard Resolution* (SR). In both cases the areas selected will have a higher concentration of points and richer detail.

  For more information, go to: [Using the High Resolution Lock tool](/scan/live-scan-tools.html#using-the-high-resolution-lock-tool){ .md-button style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 0.7em;float:right;align:right; font-weight: 520;margin: -6px 0px 20px 10px;border-radius:6px;font-size:.85em; "}

Management of scans with more than 5000 Frames

The treatment of the finalization of the data sets when there are more than 5000 frames per arch has been updated.

- [ ] In version 3.7 and earlier, the data scanned beyond the 5000 frame limit was not considered for finalization.
- [ ] In version 3.8, data beyond the 5000 frame limit will be finalized in *standard resolution* and *all* the data acquired will be present in the final data sets.

Reopening scans

When reopening a scan, a check will be done to see if the associated cache information is available:

- [ ] If this cache is available it means that the user can continue to add details to the data set and to process in high resolution.
- [ ] Otherwise the user will receive a warning advising that that if they modify the data set that it will be saved in standard resolution.

Preservation of bite information

Should the user choose to modify an arch after having acquired the bite, they will have a message asking them if they would like to keep or reset the existing bite.

This is an enhancement compared to versions 3.7 and earlier, where editing either of the jaw scans would cause the automatic reset of the already registered bite.

New Image Color

This version includes a new approach to *enhance* the Color of the final data sets.

The new approach ensures a richer color and improves the sharpness within the final color data sets.

This finalization process has been optimized to provide a similar finalization time to 3.7 with the new color, but the user has the choice to deactivate this in the 3D settings should they wish to improve the overall finalization time of their data sets.

For more information, go to: [Configuring 3D Settings](/scan/3d-settings.html#configuring-3d-settings){ .md-button style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 0.7em;float:right;align:right; font-weight: 520;margin: -6px 0px 20px 10px;border-radius:6px;font-size:.85em; "}

General Improvements in the Scanning Experience

There are several improvements in the **3DiscClinic&#8482;**{style="color:#ff6d22;"} scanning interface and new tools to enable a better overall scanning experience for the user.

**Smoother & faster scanning**

- [ ] The algorithms for scanning have been improved to make it easier and faster for a user to complete their scan.
This has been achieved by improving the tracking between each frame ensuring a more optimal generation of the 3D data set.

- [ ] To further enhance the scanning experience the *in-scan optimization* further optimizes the 3D data using a background process while the user is scanning.

![](\Patients-Cases\media\model-scan.png){ inline style="height:40%;width:40%; float: right; align:right; padding: 0 0 20 20; margin: 10px 0px 20px 20px;border:solid; border-width:1px ;border-color:silver; cursor:pointer"  }

- [ ] A dedicated *Model Scan* mode has been added in *Case Setup* to enable the scanning of objects outside the mouth: this includes the scanning of dentures & stone models.

Communication improvements

Improved communication with the lab

- [ ] The list of indication on the Lab Sheet, in particular the list of implants and connection information now has *improved visibility* in the PDF, to overcome any previous issues with certain implant references.
<figure markdown>
![](\scan-tell\media\improved-communication-3-8.png){ style="z-index: 10000;display: block;height:84%;width:84%; float: center; align:center; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 30px;border:solid;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8;border-radius:18px; cursor:pointer"  }
- [ ] When the patient’s date of birth is not available it is not set to a default value.

- [ ] Once a case has been sent to the lab it is possible to see the comments *directly* in the 3DiscClinic interface and to respond directly to the lab without having to log into the cloud portal on the internet browser.
<figure markdown>
![](\scan-tell\media\improved-communication-3-8-comments.png){ style="z-index: 10000;display: block;height:84%;width:84%; float: center; align:center; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 30px;border:solid;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8;border-radius:18px; cursor:pointer"  }
- [ ] When a patient is selected, the 3D data set will be displayed for the *most recent case* in the list of cases: so the user has better visibility of the case and this reduces the number of clicks to see the most recent data.
<figure markdown>
![](\Patients-Cases\case-review\all-cases-for-patient-displayed.png){ style="z-index: 10000;display: block;height:84%;width:84%; float: center; align:center; padding: 0 10 0 10; margin: 10px 10px 0px 30px;border:solid;border-width: 1px; border-color:#D8D8D8;border-radius:18px; cursor:pointer"  }

Improved Margin Line Tracing

The lighting in the 3D scene has been reduced in the margin line tracing step, to make it easier to see some of the features and ease the tracing of the margin line.

Bugs fixed in this version

Bug Fixes

  • Correction of slow finalization - in certain cases the user experienced a finalization process that took a long time to finalize.
  • Correction of cases not finalizing - in some case when the software processed the data sets one or both of the arches was not complete and had a rough surface.
  • Next button not exiting - when the user has completed the bite acquisition there were a few instances that the user could not go back to review step.
  • Missing data after finalization - when finalizing data with sparse information there were instances where some of the data was missing after finalization.

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